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I, Enoch is the first in The Deep Earth Chronicles

series of books that aspire to elevate our thinking and promote discussion around our planet, our species, and our place in the world.


For over thirty years, the author worked in the corporate world, both as an executive and as an advisor and consultant to corporate leaders. Despite years of advocating for greater levels of corporate patronage in addressing an escalation in environmental degradation, hyper-consumerism, and social disruption as a result of wide-spread income inequality, the financial and cultural priorities of commerce have failed to adapt to the needs and existential requirements of our times. 


​While our billionaire-class look to the stars through exorbitant investments in space travel and the search for extraterrestrials, our planet, and its life-giving abundance, is subject to continued exploitation. So much so, that its ability to regenerate life – as it has for billions of years – is now in question. Evidence suggests that Homo sapiens, and the demands our species has placed on our planet, are largely to blame.

The Deep Earth Chronicles are a fictionalized attempt to create a new narrative that places Earth at the center of our collective culture, and assigns to humanity the role of guardians to a planet that is an incontrovertibly unique within the known cosmos - fine-tuned and optimized for life!

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